Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Notes from Florida

I'm killing time in the Orlando airport where the wifi is free! Cool. I'm on a later than expected flight after I hit an hour traffic snag between Tampa and Orlando at 4:00AM!!! That sucks. It all worked out though.

The funeral had around 150 - 200 people in attendence. Crowd was made up of hospital coworkers of Anne, old swim friends/moms, middle/high school friends/teachers of Jessie, and Jessie's friends from the last few years.

The minister was a biker guy in leathers with some kind of riders for Jesus patch. The biker gang for Jesus was mostly made up of former druggies or so I was told. The minister annoyed me with his talk because he largely tried hell and brimstone scare tactics to get those in the audience to convert and accept Jesus.

There was an awkward moment when he opened the floor to anyone who wanted to speak. No one came for awhile, but then several spoke. Old friends, 3rd grade teacher....maybe 5 people total.

I took lots of pictures from the funeral and I'll post them on my site, maybe later today.

Flight seems to be boarding now. Out!!!

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