Sunday, April 19, 2009

John Grisham's Law School Picture

I spent a few days in Oxford, Mississippi attending a conference at the Ole Miss Law School. All of the student photographs were posted in the halls, so I decided to try to find John Grisham's picture. I asked a secretary at the school what year Grisham graduated. She didn't know, but was willing to look it up for me. She disappeared into a back room and about three minute later, emerged with a file in hand. It was Grisham's grades and other law school records! She told me he graduated in 1981. I asked if I could look at his file and she said no. I asked her how his grades were, but she told me she wasn't allowed to comment on student records. Anyway, at least I found out what class he was in. I tracked down the class of '81 photographs and took the following pics with my cell phone cam.

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