Friday, March 02, 2007

Failed American Dream Resurfaces...Briefly

No, I'm not talking about some guy selling his boat alongside Highway 63. I'm talking about a new 70's themed dance club opening soon in the basement of the building I live in. You can see their new fancy banner with the bell bottom clad afro hair style dancer.

Access to the fancy new dance club is down these stairs, which are still emblazoned with logos from the last guy's failed dream, a sports bar called "THE DUGOUT" which has been out of business for several years now.

Here is the entry way to the new 70's dance spot, or is it the entry way to hell? Heck, is there really any difference?

Ok, so here's the new contest. Assuming this place is going to open in the next few weeks, who can guess when it will close up for good? Here are a few points to help you with your analysis:

1. Unique concept
2. Only open 4 nights a week
3. Good location near downtown
4. Not serving food, only booze (from what I've heard)

1. Concept sucks
2. Disco went out with the 70's
3. It's in a basement
4. Not serving food, only booze (from what I've heard)
5. Most people hate to dance

Find my guess for belly up date in the comments. Please add yours too!


Tangeman said...

Bill's guess for out of business date: September 15, 2007

Anonymous said...

Dead 20 June 2007 says Father Tangeman

Anonymous said...

October 1, 2007, assuming the owner doesn't change is mind and just never open...

Anonymous said...

the 70's are FOREVEr!
Feb. 17,2009

Unknown said...

November 14, 2007 is my pick.

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