Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Science marches on: Sausage biscuits tested

Here's another old "draft" post that I published on Dad's behalf.  Don't know if he ever published a different version of this or not.  Regardless, Happy Birthday Dad!

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It rained today, so I did a research project: How do sausage biscuits from Hardee's, Mickey D, and Burger King compare? The prices were $1 at McD and BK, $1.50 at Ha. Here are the weights, in grams.

ordered as follows:  BK Ha McD

Overall weight 116 118 112

Sausage weight 43 30 42

Sausage degreased 37 21 33

Degreasing was accomplished by microwaving each patty for ten seconds and then giving it a maximal napkin squeeze with which my readers are familiar. BK is a clear winner here with both the biggest patty and the least squeezable fat.

Next I tested for taste. My personal ratings were McD 9, BK 8, and Ha 4. McD had a nice spicy kick while Ha had an unpleasant mushy texture and very little taste.

I also let my dog Jake test these for flavor. To do this, I placed a small sample of each meat patty on the laundry room floor and then opened the door to the dog. The samples were placed left to right about a foot apart in the order BK Ha McD. I recorded the order in which Jake snarfed them up as 1, 2, or 3. I then repeated this in the order Ha McD BK, and finally in the order McD BK Ha. I added the order numbers as preference scores, and then repeated the whole test. Thus little Jake (a Boston Terrier) tried 18 sausage samples in all. Here are the total scores: McD 9 Ha 13 Bk 14. Jake likes McD the best followed by Ha narrowly over BK.

Here are the overall conclusions: Go to BK for this item and if it's not too far out of the way, swing through McD on the way home to get a treat for your dog. Avoid Hardee's.

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