Monday, February 29, 2016

Jack Studies his Pocket Watch


D'Nena & Robin Moore said...

Thank goodness Dick gave us your blog address, We enjoy following your posts of your family a great deal. Since D'Nena and I have no siblings, I suppose that we felt not only like favored neighbors, but also adoptive aunt and uncle to the Tangeman boys, who were in school simultaneously with our two girls.

Our kids are also married. The older, Peggy lives in Concord, MA with Hubby Brad and daughters, Helen(18) and Janet(14). The younger, Laura lives in Athens, GA with Bulldog hubby, Mark.

Hope your parents, Bill, and his wife are well and OK.

Reports through the years on your blog show us that you and your lovely, charming, smart kids are very happily for us, doing fine. Fond regards, the Moores

D'Nena & Robin Moore said...

Apologies for the missing comma between the "and" & "very" in the last sentence of the previous message. R..

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