Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yuki's Best Walk Ever

Yuki and I were on our typical night hike tonight when I heard him snatch something up in his mouth. It looked like a piece of trash so I told him to drop it, which he did. Turns out it was an unopened bag of teriyaki beef jerky. I examined the bag and saw no evidence of tampering. The bag was dry and clean, and the expiration date was safely in the distant future. I considered saving the bag to eat myself since I was 99% sure it was safe. Someone probably just dropped it by accident. Then I realized that it wasn't my jerky. It belonged to the rightful finder, Yuki. I ripped open the bag and dumped it on the sidewalk. Yuki ate it all in about 20 seconds. He proudly carried the empty jerky bag the entire way home.


Anonymous said...

The finder of lost property has a better claim of ownership than all the world save the rightful owner, who can never be found.

Anonymous said...

does Yuki get to eat the 100.00 dollar bill that he might find ?

Anonymous said...

Yuki looks so cute! Good find Yuki!

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