Confronted with these two boxes side by side at the store, I was forced to buy them both for a Zinger-Off.
The Zingers look identical, but the Dolly Madison box claims their Zinger is filled with "créme" filling while the Hostess Zinger is filled with a "creamy" filling. The Zingers seemed to taste very similar although I thought the Dolly Madison filling was more grainy than the Hostess. Erin felt the Dolly Madison cake was a bit dry in comparison.
Then I took a look at ingredients. They're exactly the same (both equally unhealthy). Also they're made in the same Kansas City factory. I guess a Zinger is a Zinger, no matter what the brand name. One concrete difference though, was that the Hostess version was slightly more expensive per ounce.
zinger on red box fly to right. zinger on blue box fly to left. red, blue, left, right. does zinger have some political?
seems like you are the zinger zapper!
Suggest, do not purchase fast food store crap.
cook up some fried bananas in butter for some real flavor and quality.
Zingers are an American snack cake made by both Dolly Madison and Hostess, two snack food brands owned by Interstate Bakeries Corporation.
Saw the post,and thought it was cool. I'm doing something kind of along the same lines at take a look. It's a 32 field snack cake tournament, including regions, seedings, etc. While we don't have Dolly vs Hostess Zingers, we will have at least one type of zinger, and maybe more included. We will also have multiple versions of the same cake, such as the Ding Dong vs. the Ring Ding and Swiss Rolls vs Yodels vs Ho Ho. Oh, and the best part is that people will be able to fill in and submit their own bracket online. Winner takes home the full field of 32.
Should be a good time.
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