Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wii Fit

Erin and I have been looking forward to the Wii Fit for a long time. We finally got one last week and have been trying it out during the long Memorial Day weekend. As you would expect from Nintendo developed hardware and software, the Wii Fit board, and Wii Fit the game are both excellent. The board is very durable, and its balancing capabilities work almost flawlessly. The game has a large variety of activities under four categories: yoga, balance training, aerobic, and strength training.

Wii Fit also gives a nice graphical chart of each user's weight and BMI data. The first time I got on the board, it called me "very overweight" and automatically ballooned my Mii character to look much fatter than I had created it. This, along with my daily weigh-in sessions on the board, have served as excellent motivation. So far I've lost around 7 pounds.

Here are our Mii characters in Wii fit.

This is the Wii Fit board.

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