Here's the thing. About a year ago this candy called "Choxie" started showing up all over Target stores. I noticed it because it was very prominently placed. Eye level. End caps. We're talking best placements in the candy aisle even over the likes of cemented brands like Hershey. Where did this stuff come from? What is it? I've tried some and it's pretty good, but it's expensive. Very expensive.
How much would you expect to pay for this box of chocolate Choxie truffels no bigger than a $7.00 Whitman's Sampler box?
How about $25.00? $25.00!!!! Are freaking kidding me!!!
Or maybe you'd enjoy paying nearly a buck an ounce for these Choxie treats?
Here's Target's scam. Choxie aka "The Chocolate with Moxie" is a store brand. A store brand like Sam's Choice at Walmart.
A store brand like Safeway Cola. No advertising budget. No marketing expenses. No middle man. This should translate into a lower price for the consumer. It does in the case of Sam's Choice. Sam's Choice products are very high quality and cheaper than the national brands. Safeway Cola is far cheaper than Coke. But Choxie is different. Choxie is more expensive than all but the finest imported Swiss confections. Why? I guess so Target can make an extra buck. I suppose it's a good business move. Otherwise Target wouldn't be just completly flooded with Choxie down every aisle. Personally though, I can't buy the stuff without feeling like I'm getting screwed.
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