I've owned and been around dogs my whole life, from the cocker spaniel Penny in the mid-forties to the Boston terrier Jake who appears at the heading of this blog and is well-known to our readers. Most years, these dogs have received a package or two under the Christmas tree but have shown no understanding of the happy season.
Jake seemed to be no exception this year, receiving a couple of chew-toys and a package of little meat-filled leather bones called Dingos. These are about two inches long and come seven to the package. When I unwrapped this package on Christmas day, Jake knew right away who it was for and got very excited. I opened the pack and gave him a single little rawhide bone. He happily carried it to his favorite spot under the dining-room table where he worked on it for almost half an hour, completely consuming it. During this period, he totally ignored the hubbub of the other activities in the room.
The next day, after everyone had gone home, I gave him another one of the little bones, which he just left on the floor. A little later, I was sitting in my favorite spot when Jake came over, as he often does, to sit on the floor near my chair in order to get his ears and neck scratched. He then sauntered off and came back with his little leather bone, completely unchewed, and ceremoniously deposited it at my feet. A Christmas gift from the dog! I picked it up, and later laid it on the floor where he could get it. But Jake just ignored the bone, knowing it was no longer his. This was my first Christmas gift ever from a pet. Jake and I wish everyone a merry Christmas!