It rained today, a Sunday, so I tested sausage biscuits from Burger King, McDonald's, and Hardee's. BK and McD had these on special for a buck, and they were $1.50 or two for $2.50 at Ha. First I weighed the products. Here are the weights in grams, in the order BK Ha McD.
Sandwich total: 116 118 112
Meat only: 43 30 42
Meat degreased: 37 21 33
The degreasing procedure was to microwave the room-temperature meat patty for ten seconds, and then to give it the maximal napkin squeeze with which my readers are familiar.
BK is the clear winner in this part of the test, with both the biggest patty and the least squeezable fat. Ha loses big.
Next was the taste test. My personal scores were McD 9, BK 8, and Ha 4. McD had a nice spicy kick, BK was almost as good, and Ha had a mushy texture with very little taste. Biscuits were not tested for taste but you can get their weights by subtraction.
I also got my dog Jake to help with the taste tests. He is a Boston Terrier, 14 months old. I ran this test as follows: I placed small samples of each sausage on the laundry room floor, left-to-right about a foot apart. I let Jake in, and recorded the order in which he snarfed up the samples as 1, 2, or 3. I started with the order BK Ha McD left to right, then redid it in the orders Ha McD BK followed by McD BK Ha. I then reran the whole thing, adding the scores. Thus Jake received in all 18 little meat samples. He enjoyed the tests and was a good little scientist. He dozes as I write this report. Here are the results: McD 9, Ha 13 BK 14. Jake prefers McD with Ha narrowly over BK.
The grand conclusion: get your SB at BK, and drop by McD on the way home to get one for your dog. Avoid Ha for this product.