Friday, September 18, 2009

How Much Cash??? Trivia Contest - Expires 09/30/09

I recently took the coin jar under the sink to the Coinstar coin counter. They offered commission free counting so long as you took your cash in the form of an Amazon gift card - which is nearly as good as cash for an online shopper.

Anyway here's the jar... Guess how much was in it?

Post your guess in the comments section...winner will receive a fresh $2 mailed to them.


  1. Anonymous7:06 PM

    the full-size picture reveals an unusually high percentage of quarters for a coin jar. i guess $137.23

  2. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I guess 120 dollars on the nose.

  3. Anonymous2:13 PM

    can yous use a money press to count it ?

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    did i win yet?
